Our sexual orientations can impact our lives, especially when our family or friend environments are not as open as we would have expected or wished for.
Coming to terms with one’s sexuality, facing homophobic attitudes and discrimination, and suffering rejection from the ones we love are all issues that have the potential to cause significant emotional and psychological distress, permeating all aspects of life including self-worth, relationships and even our occupation and career choices. Unsurprisingly, this can have a devastating impact on health and happiness, and it can feel as if there is no one who can help and no way out of the spiral of distress and misery.
By talking through the problems you face with a trained therapist in a safe and non-judgmental environment you can begin to build up a solid base of support that can equip you with the coping strategies to challenge the problems you face.
We can provide you with the tools and techniques to be able to cope effectively with events/situations that might precipitate distress, and help you explore complex and painful emotions in confidentiality and comfort.
We can target surrounding issues such as depression, anxiety or substance use which may be blocking your way to better mental health as well as explore issues surrounding sex and relationships. We will support you through to achieving both your short and long-term goals.
Finally, we also offer couples counselling, if both you and your partner feel this would be of benefit to the relationship.