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Do you ever get so angry that you want to lash out, shout or throw something? Does your partner enrage you so often that you find yourself screaming at them? Maybe you are finding yourself frequently wanting to hurt your child or a pet because they irritate you all the time?
Anger triggers physiological reactions similar to high adrenaline triggers like:
– raised heartbeat
– higher temperature
– palpitations
This level and intensity of emotion over a prolonged period of time can lead to serious physiological and psychological health problems including:
– depression
– anxiety
– high blood pressure
– lower-functioning immune system
Repeated anger outbursts can also have a devastating impact on your personal and professional relationships, causing you more misery and even putting you and those close to you in danger.
If your anger is causing distress to you and those around you, then anger management therapy could be right for you.
You cannot control the situations that might provoke your anger, but you can learn to manage your attitude in response of the triggers via the help of anger management counselling, which focuses on all kinds of anger issues from mild irritation to explosive, violent rage.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is particularly successful in treating anger issues helping many people to manage their anger and consequently solve their problems and meet their goals. Your therapist will work with you to target the multitude of other emotions entangled within anger (such as shame, fear and embarrassment) which may be having an impact upon you and lead to angry confrontation or self-harm.
During therapy, you will learn to communicate less aggressively and turn destructive behaviours into more constructive responses as you learn to understand the causes of your anger and put them in context.
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