Are you ready to improve your mental health, but find yourself struggling to pinpoint exactly what kind of help you need?

Searching for an appropriate psychologist can feel like an overwhelming task at the best of times. And when you throw in a slew of psychological jargon — like Psychodynamic, Gestalt, Systemic, Psychosynthesis and Transactional Analysis, to name a few — the search can feel distressing and confusing. Unless you are in the field of psychology, you will most certainly not know what most of the psychological terms and therapy names refer to.
This leaves you with two choices: either you spend extensive amounts of time researching different types of therapies to uncover which one might be suitable for you personally, or you take a chance.  Unfortunately, both of these options come with problems.
Researching would take up a huge chunk of your time and energy. With the many models of therapy available, it would almost deem you worthy of a degree at the end of it! All jokes aside, you might gain a theoretical and far better understanding of what therapy model suits a certain condition, but it would still be difficult for you to understand what the appropriate therapy related to your condition actually feels like when you’re in a room experiencing that approach.
On the other hand, it is possible that by following your gut you might get lucky and pick a therapist who is a great fit to help you with your condition. However, as we all know, gambling has an unlucky side to it. Not only might you end up not only losing time and money hoping to find the right therapist, but you also might end up with a series of disappointing experiences that may impact you and your mental health.
Our mission at The Wholefulness Practice is to help you to understand your options and to quickly match you with an appropriate therapist, someone who can help with your condition, based on your unique needs and goals.
We guarantee you peace of mind, with the knowledge that every psychologist working within The Wholefulness Practice is thoroughly qualified and chosen to ensure high standards of training, experience and therapy, with the assurance that all therapists are members of official regulating bodies of ethics and conduct.