COVID-19 has significantly impacted the world and us as individuals, down to the very way we operate as people and communities.
As we hunker down and search for a new normal amidst the worry and confusion of the pandemic, we are all faced with the reality of how much things have changed. One of the many things that have changed is how we conduct therapy. With the ever-present necessity of staying home as much as possible to decrease the spread of the virus, online communication is fast becoming the new normal. Therefore, video calls are now the most accessible form of therapy worldwide.
The down-side of therapy moving to an online forum is that it’s no longer as easy to sit opposite one another in a room. However, the upside is that the miles and oceans that have previously divided us are no longer such large obstacles.
The pandemic has forced us all to pause in our own way. With so many closures and limitations on our previous pleasures, such as leisure and entertainment, there are suddenly vastly fewer distractions left available to us. This means that many of the things we may have been avoiding by keeping occupied have nowhere left to hide. Ultimately, this new normal means we are forced to spend more time with ourselves and with our underlying issues. This rapid transition can leave us feeling like we’ve been thrown into a mental and emotional state that we just weren’t prepared for.
Though things might feel overwhelming, know that you are not alone.
We at The Wholefulness Practice are a team of highly skilled psychologists who are here to support you. We are a London-based practice, governed by UK jurisdiction, but due to the online movement, we are now opening up our services to include overseas clients. All it takes is an email from you to start the ball rolling. Once we receive your email, we can discuss what you are looking for and match you with a great therapist to begin your journey with.
From across the oceans, we welcome you to our community and are happy to serve you through these unprecedented and difficult times.
Note: We only work with self-funded clients, and do not work with insurance providers.