No one can ever prepare you for the devastating news of cancer. A diagnosis can start the long journey ahead to recovery and it can trigger all kind of depressive emotions that will make you feel exhausted. We can help you manage your mental health, which will improve your ability to cope with your illness.
Therapists understand that is not always simple to discuss your health with family and friends, as you might feel like a “burden” to them. However, it is imperative that your thoughts, feelings and desires are not lost amongst the fear of cancer.
Talking to someone who is trained to help you explore these powerful feelings can help you to find ways to cope with the situation and support you along your journey. Your counsellor can facilitate communication and understanding between you and your loved ones, and explore ways to manage isolation, depression and anxiety along the way. They can provide a safe space in which you can talk honestly and truthfully about how the diagnosis is affecting you at all stages of your journey.
Counselling can also help if you are the relative or loved one of someone with cancer.
Similarly, you may not wish to ‘burden’ your loved one with your own fears, but you need and deserve the time to talk through your own feelings, and how the diagnosis has affected you. By talking through your own concerns and worries with one of our cancer counsellors, you will be able to devote more of your emotional self to helping your loved one.