Do you ever feel anxious that you are missing the point of your life?
Life can be hard, and it can sometimes lead us to ask difficult questions.
Who am I? What is the reason for my existence?
Why do I feel so alone?
Should I be doing something more important with my time?
Existential psychotherapy helps you find answers to these worries. It aims to leave you feeling calmer, with a new confidence that you can make decisions that are right for you.
This therapy method holds that anxiety and depression often stem from confusion about the meaning and purpose of life.
Unlike other forms of talk therapy that turn to psychology and medicine for answers to wellbeing, existential psychotherapy looks to philosophy. With this perspective, you can move beyond your thoughts and personal history to a larger context of the world itself, and how you fit within it.
This broader way of seeing allows you to gain clarity on
– who you really are
– what your true beliefs and values are
– how you reached the place you are in today
– where you are heading
This knowledge empowers you to move towards a life that feels inspiring to you – one where you feel connected to both yourself and others.
Existential therapy can help with the following issues:
– loneliness and disconnection
– relationship issues
– depression and anxiety
– lack of identity or identity crisis
– addictions
– eating disorders
– low self-esteem
– social anxiety
– lack of focus
– trouble moving forward
– poor decision-making and self-sabotage
– obsessive thoughts about death and dying
Your existential therapist will work with you to help you see yourself and the world from new perspectives. You will begin to see new opportunities around you, and ways out of your personal suffering and current circumstances that you didn’t recognise before, and begin taking responsibility for your freedom to choose. Your therapist will support you as you embrace this freedom to make new and better decisions.