Are you and your business partner having communication problems, arguing all the time, and perhaps even lost trust in each other’s performance? If you fear that your business relationships are fading away, then perhaps Partnership Counselling is the solution.
Partnerships that form in a business and work environment often work as a “marriage” between two or more people. They can also be seen as “familiar” environments ongoing and unaddressed stresses that can leave you and your partner(s) feeling exhausted, depressed, desperate, and with low self-esteem.
Just as in a marriage, when a relationship is at breaking point it can seem as if separation or “divorce” is your only option. However, this is not necessarily the case!
Talking through your problems together with a partnership relationship counsellor can help you get to the heart of your conflicts and come to value each other’s beliefs and feelings. Our experienced relationship therapists at The Wholefulness Practice will work with you and your work partner together to help you rebuild your relationship in the easiest way possible.
Your therapist’s aim is not to resolve the issues for you, but help you develop your own skills so you can resolve your own challenges. They will encourage you to talk openly about difficult topics with your partner(s) and explore your working history together.
By analysing your behavioural patterns and the ways in which you communicate with each other, your therapist will also help you see discrepancies in your and your partner’s behaviour and teach you techniques to improve your communication.
Ultimately, we work to support you as a partnership to identify patterns and modes of communication and behaviours so you can both take responsibility for your own choices and actions and work out the best way for you to resolve your complications.